Flooding the streets from Haight-Ashbury to the heart of New York City, hipsters are beginning to take the spotlight when it comes to the fashion game. They are the innovative souls of our generation. Their independent style of high-wasted shorts, tight pants, stressed denim, graphic tees, and high-tops sneakers (just to name a few) separate them from the “average Joes” of this world. Always staying ahead of the trends, Hipsters frequent local thrift stores and resale shops to seek out lost gems to add to their eclectic wardrobe.
Our sunnies manage to fit right in with the Hipster crowd. The combination of our bright lens and recycled bamboo temples separate our glasses from, as previously stated, the “average Joes” of the sunglass world. SOLOs have an understated yet original style that makes them appealing and pleasing to all types of people. We personally suggest the BAMBLUES, NOLIAWOODS, and HONEYWOOD-YAs for the daring folks who want a little more personal touch to their outfit.
This one goes out to you, Hipsters, the trendsetters of this world. When you get a chance to take a break from rummaging through vintage furniture shops or picking up your next vinyl, take a moment to check out our glasses. Grab your fixie and take a trip to one of our SOLO retailer’s shops or feel free to order a pair online!