Hello amazing Vision Givers! We are so thankful for your support and for helping spread the word about SOLO Eyewear. In less than one year, we have helped over 850 people across 12 countries and we owe every bit of that to YOU. Thank YOU!
We’ve loved every moment of this journey. Starting SOLO has been a great learning experience for me, Craig and Dana. We’ve had many late nights, super early mornings, crazy moments in traffic and in the process, the SOLO Team is now like Family! Actually, drop the ‘like’… we are FAMILY! Despite our planning, we never anticipated running out of inventory so quickly. But, hey! We at least learned an awesome lesson… People really love rockin’ SOLOs! ☺
We’re excited to say that we will soon be launching a new exciting Summer Collection! Don’t worry SOLOs will forever have the bamboo arms. The Collection will feature several new styles and you can expect to see them early May! Please stay tuned… you won’t want to miss the BIG REVEAL!
We’d also like to give a very special shout out to Sam Afetian, the 4th member of our wolf pack. In less than one month, Sam has turned into a SOLO warrior. She works around the clock reaching out to all of our awesome fans and helping us behind the scenes. Beast mode is her middle name. We are thrilled to have her join the SOLO Family! Welcome, Sam!