At SOLO Eyewear, we create environmentally friendly sunglasses that fund eye care, encourage adventure and inspire individuals to change the world.
As we look back on 2015, we have much for which we are grateful. It has been an incredible year for us so we’d like to take a moment to thank you for your support and share our top 5 highlights:
- We started 2015 on a high note with a feature on Good Morning America and follow up features in a number of other media outlets including Women's Running Magazine and the San Diego Union Tribune!
- We launched our Creative Ambassador Program, which highlights the work of individuals who explore the world and give back. We are currently partnering with 47 people who wholeheartedly believe in living life to the fullest. It has been amazing seeing the world through their lenses.
Creative Ambassador, Breeze Turner, paddle boarding with her dog, Marley
Creative Ambassador, Mike Sherbakov, volunteering building homes in Mexico
- We furthered our international reach by forming distributor partnerships in Japan and Korea and partnering with a group of female artisans in Guatemala to launch new accessory products. Through this partnership, we are able to help lift these women and their families out of poverty by paying fair wages and exposing their products to international markets.
- We visited India and met with our giving partner, Aravind Eye Care System. We had the opportunity to stand in the operating room and watch 12 cataract surgeries. Individuals entered the operating room blind in one or both eyes, underwent a 10 minute surgery and walked away with their vision restored. It was an incredible experience.

- We funded eye care for additional people in need. To date, our efforts have restored vision for over 11,000 people across 32 countries. By restoring someone's vision, they are better able to lead fuller, more productive lives.
Just a few years ago, SOLO Eyewear started as a class project that is now a company impacting thousands of lives around the world. With 80% of blindness being preventable, we are motivated to work hard and reminded to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. We want to thank you for supporting us in our journey to address this great need. We believe everyone should see the world. #LiveandGive
Wishing you and your loved ones a very Happy New Year!
Jenny Amaraneni and Dana Holliday